The Responsible Leaders Network is a community of joy. People are dancing.

Collective Intelligence for Collective Action

Responsible Leaders Network

  • Innovativeness: Responsible Leaders think out of the box, inspire others to do the same and work on new approaches to today’s challenges.
  • Self-awareness: Responsible Leaders reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses, are authentic, and assume responsibility.
  • Decisiveness: Responsible Leaders are willing to take risks and break new ground to drive systems change.
  • Resilience: Responsible Leaders consider the bigger picture — meaning that they see social, political, and environmental challenges in a larger context — and adapt to it.
  • Collaboration: Responsible Leaders have a genuine interest in working together — even in partnering with unlikely allies.
  • Dignity: Responsible Leaders create an environment where everyone can thrive. Empathy and deep respect for all humans and the planet are necessary prerequisites. 
The invitation and selection process of new Network members takes into consideration a dynamic set of criteria that include: leadership excellence and experience, knowledge, relevance, impactful contributions through their work, and diversity (in terms of gender, race, abilities, sexualities, class background, religious beliefs, age, etc.).

People waiting at metro station in Barcelona
Our Value Proposition for Responsible Leaders
  • Trust-based connections: trustful relationships with leaders and experts across sectors and regions
  • Access to high-level leaders across 120+ countries: membership in a global network of leaders in business, policy, science and civil society under the prestigious BMW Foundation brand
  • Challenge-led approach: professional connections and collaborations around specific current and emerging topics
  • Exposure to new perspectives and knowledge: broadening horizons by engaging with impactful leaders from various sectors, backgrounds, experiences and cultures in both Foundation- and Network-driven initiatives
  • Opportunity to increase one’s impact: potential collaborations within the Network and ecosystem for collective action
  • Leadership development: access to different tools, sources, and methodologies (e.g., fellowships, peer mentoring and coaching, upskilling and critical connections) by participating in both Foundation- and Network-driven initiatives
  • connect and collaborate with 2,600+ Network members (a members’ intranet is scheduled to be launched by late 2025)
  • participate in in-person and virtual meetings, activities, programs and projects
  • join, promote or offer activities to other Network members
  • share ideas and contribute to vibrant meetings, events, and communities
  • collaborate with, mentor and be mentored in both Foundation- and Network-driven initiatives and organizations.
Participation in and relations among Network members are guided by the Responsible Leaders Network Guidelines.

  • Recommendation: Network Drivers, Responsible Leaders, and partners identify and recommend leaders and experts in their regions and/or communities.
  • Scouting and Outreach: Our team reaches out to people whose expertise is relevant to the Foundation’s current challenges and initiatives or who promise to be a great asset to the Network based on its target groups.
  • Application: Leaders can apply to our programs and accelerator to be considered for membership.
Becoming part of the Network involves a commitment to contribute to innovative pathways to strengthen an innovative and responsible economy while also promoting an open-minded and future-proof society.