Social Responsibility
BMW Foundation is official partner of “Werkstatt des Wandels”

BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt is official partner of “Werkstatt des Wandels,” an event series hosted by the German Federal PresidentFederal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, with support from the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt and the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung, has launched the event series “Werkstatt des Wandels” at the first “Werkstattgespräch” in Erlangen. This pathbreaking project aims to promote the transformation of the social and ecological market economy on the basis of democratic principles, value-based innovations, and economic growth. At the BMW Foundation, the project will be coordinated by new board member Heba Aguib.
“Werkstatt des Wandels”The event series “Werkstatt des Wandels,” hosted by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, takes a look at the far-reaching structural changes in our society and their consequences for our life together as a society: How will we work and produce in the future? How will we harvest energy? How can we build sustainable homes and lives?The Federal President will visit companies, research institutions, and projects that demonstrate how it is possible to master change through inventiveness and dedicated effort. What emerges is a multi-layered panorama of a successful economic and social transformation.In parallel with the Federal President’s visits, “Werkstattgespräche” will take place at the visited facilities: Experts from science, business, government, and society will share ideas and insights on how to overcome obstacles in the upcoming transformations and bring about change on good terms for all. The participants in these talks will subsequently discuss the results with the Federal President and take their insights back to their regions to initiate change. The “Werkstatt des Wandels” aims to help make visible/to put the spotlight on places that successfully implement transformation and encourage people to make use of the opportunities offered by these changes.The event series is held in cooperation with the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt and the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung and designed and realized in cooperation with the Center for Responsible Research and Innovation at Fraunhofer IAO.The role of the BMW Foundation: creating trust-building dialogues to drive positive change togetherAs part of the Federal President’s project series , the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt helps to make the transformation of society visible and tangible, and to include all people with their perspectives, fears, and concerns. In his speech to the Federal Convention in February 2022, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier called the transformation towards a sustainable way of life the “central question of humanity’s survival.” In his view, this transformation must be predicated on a vibrant democracy and a strong economy allowing for a variety of interests. Of major importance is an effective cooperation between the public and the private sectors at all levels of transformation: social, economic, and political. These public-private collaborations support the Federal President’s Office in strengthening German democracy and competitiveness, thus making Germany a reliable partner for other democracies. An additional goal is to pave the way towards a sustainable and inclusive future for the polity, companies, and families .The creation of positive stories brings about social majorities for a shared design of the transformation. Here, the BMW Foundation – with its special affinity to the business sector and, together with its global Responsible Leaders Network, as a platform for cross-sector dialogue – plays an important role. The Foundation, for example, provides a platform for action, linking business, society, and government with the overarching aim of rendering the necessary transformation inclusive and of providing measurable results as positive examples of transformation. In addition, it facilitates and moderates solution-oriented and trustful dialogues between stakeholders. “The partnership with the Federal President’s Office is an important milestone towards a shared and positive vision of the future. For only a trustful dialogue between business, government, and society can generate the necessary solutions and majorities for change. This way it becomes clear what activities and resources need to be activated and deployed in order to jointly shape the economic and democratic future that Germany needs,” says new board member Heba Aguib, succinctly summarizing the role of the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt in the collaborative project.
BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt
The BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt unites the brightest minds from business, policy, science and civil society to collaborate on forward-looking approaches and solutions to the challenges of our time. Together, we work across borders, cultures and systems for innovative pathways to strengthen an innovative and responsible economy while also promoting an open-minded and future-proof society.
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